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homelab of HoudenHAL

  Filed under: Accolades 

In a recent discussion with a colleague, I was being debriefed on a book that was authored about the construction industry.   After many pages of blather, he’d finally arrived at a part that piqued his interest. In summary it was written that the only real -tangible – difference in the housing industry in the last 50+ years was the focus on energy efficiency and sustainable products.

Being that we are immersed in the world of Building Science I found this both encouraging and relatively obvious. While others clutched to a model of cost per square foot or meaningless upgrade packages, we’ve identified the real issue of home ownership is lifetime value. That doesn’t mean getting 5000 square feet for $80 per and wowing all your friends while you freak out at the electric bill and taxes. It mean investing wisely in upgrades that will make a house more affordable to own and more comfortable to live in.

Not to overlook design. We can stand toe to toe with anyone – and welcome the creative challenge. But if you go broke while you stare at your granite counter tops, is that really worth it?  (that’s rhetorical)

So, if you want to see what the luxury of affordable living looks like, come to HoudenHAL. It’s the homelab that brought the best of our industry to practice and the ONLY place you can see it all.