For the Planet. For You. Forever
Let’s face it, all Americans want to save more money these days. Many also want to play a role in helping Mother Nature live healthier. Now you can do both—relatively quickly—by investing in alternative energy remodeling or building a smart green home by Ruhmel Contracting—one of the first builders in Lehigh Valley to be an Energy Star partner.
Contact Ruhmel Contracting to get the real answers to all of your alternative energy questions.
Discover exactly why solar, wind generation, geo thermal and rain water harvesting should be part of every single home in the future. Learn exactly how to take advantage of the multitude of tax incentives available today.
- How can you reduce (dramatically) the overall cost of materials through the use of superior structural materials?
- What are the true, non-embellished cost savings for the latest in plumbing, heating, lighting?
- Why are Energy Star homes at least 15% more energy efficient than baseline energy codes?
- How can an alternative energy home make a deposit into the grid by day and a withdrawal at night?